

Sirina Yeung (Law) is currently a Junior Designer at Lowney Architecture. She has gained a Bachelor of Architecture degree with a minor in Sustainable Environments from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo in Spring 2021. She was born and raised in Hong Kong for 11 years before she moved to Cupertino, California for middle and high school. 

Some of her design experience includes working as an architectural intern at Ko Architects, Lowney Architecture, Anderson Brule Architects and MADI Group Inc. In the fall semester of 2019 she studied abroad in Rome. It was an experience she cherished a lot and it’s was cool to be able to apply the things she had learned the past 3 years at Cal Poly in Rome while enjoying the intricacy of Europe’s architecture.

With her sustainable environments minor, Sirina dreams to be able to apply her passions in conscious lifestyle in her design work and influences. Outside of school you will find her embroidering, watercolor painting and doing yoga. 

Strengths: Harmony, Developer, Responsibility, Discipline, Empathy

View my Resume here or Email me here.
